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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


Office of Director Academic Programmes

Applications are invited from qualified candidates for admission for JANUARY, 2012 intake in the following degree, diploma, certificate and Bridging Certificate course in Mathematics,programmes of JKUAT for  the  2012/2013 academic year at JKUAT Taita Taveta Campus Located 5km off Nairobi- Mombasa Highway in VOI.



1.     Diploma in Purchasing and Supplies Management Ref:JKU/DPSM/2012 (18 months  Including attachment (Full- time)
2.     Diploma in Business  Information Technology  Ref:JKU/DBIT/2012 (18 months  Including attachment (Full- time)
3.     Diploma in Business Administration Ref:JKU/DBA/2012 (18 months Including attachment (Full- time)
4.     Diploma in Community Development Ref:JKU/DCD/2012 (4 Semesters)
5.     Certificate in Purchasing and Supplies Management  Ref:JKU/CPS/2012 (3 months)
6.     Certificate in Business Administration Ref:JKU/CBA/2012 (3 Months)

Requirements for 1,2 and 3 above are KCSE aggregate grade C and grades C- in English & Mathematics;
Or KCE Div II with at least C- in Mathematics and English
Or Credit pass in any relevant Certificate with at least KCSE Grade C- with at least C- in Mathematics and English;

Requirements for  4 is Be a holder of KCSE  C and grades  C- in  English or Kiswahili, or KCE  division II with credit pass in English or Kiswahili or KCSE C-  and  a relevant certificate with credit pass or any other qualification accepted by the senate as equivalent to any of the above.

Requirements for 5 and 6 KCSE aggregate grade C- or Division III in KCSE
Programs will start in January 2012 in the Voi town Campus


7.     Bachelor of  Commerce (4 years) Ref:JKU/HBC/2012(Human Resource management, Banking, Marketing  Accounting, Finance)
8.     Bachelor of Purchasing and Supplies Management (4 years) Ref:JTC/BPSM/2012
9.     Bachelor of Mass Communication Ref:JTC/BMC/2012
10.   Bachelor of Business Information Technology  Ref:JKU/BBIT/2012
11.   Bachelor of Development studies Ref:JKU/BDS/2012

Requirements for7, 8,9 ,10, and 11-KCSE Mean Grade C+ and a minimum of C Mathematics and English, OR KACE certificate with two principal passes and one subsidiary pass, and a minimum of a credit pass in Mathematics or KCE. OR a diploma or professional certificate in a relevant discipline


12.   Masters Degree in Business Administration(MBA)-(Marketing, Finance  and Strategic Management), Ref:JKU/MBA/2012
13.   Masters in Procurement and Logistics  Ref:JKU/MPL/2012

Requirements for 12 and 13:  Bachelors degree with First class Honors or ,Upper second class Honors, or Lower second Class plus three years relevant experience Or Bachelors with Pass plus at Least five years relevant postgraduate experience

Course will be offered in the evenings (January, 2012) or School Holidays(December 2011) at Voi town  campus:  2 years



14.   Bridging certificate Course in Mathematics JKU/CBM/2012

Requirements : C+ in KCSE, Division II in KCE or the equivalent grade.  Or Grade C in KCSE, Division III in KCE or its equivalent grade.
3 months. Course will be offered during the day (January, 2012)

15.   Certificate in Information Technology Ref:JKU/CIT/2012

Requirements: KCSE aggregate grade C- or Division III in KCSE
3 months

Course will be offered during the day(January, 2012)


16. Diploma in Information Technology Ref:JKU/DIT/2012

Requirements : KCSE Mean Grade C and Grade C- in English and Mathematics Or Division II in K.C.E with Credit Pass in English and Mathematics Or a grade C- in Mathematics and English and Credit Pass in IT Certificate (Stage I) or a K.A.C.E Certificate with Subsidiary Pass in Mathematics or an equivalent qualification recognized by the University Senate.
5 stages =18 months (full time  including attachment)

Course will be offered during the day(January, 2012)


17. Bsc  Information Technology (4 years) Ref:JKU/BIT/2012

Requirements : Mean Grade KCSE C+ and grades C in Mathematics and English; Or  KACE, 2 principal passes OR a pass in JKUAT diploma in IT or Diploma in Computer Technology or a Diploma in Management and IT 
4 academic years (full Time )

18. Bachelor of Computer Science Ref: JKU/BCS/2012

Requirements: Mean Grade: KCSE C+ and an average Grade A- (Minus) in one of the following combinations of three subjects taken in KCSE (or equivalent examination) Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry OR Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences.
4 academic years (full time)
Programs will start in January 2012 in the Voi town Campus

19.Bsc  Mathematics and Computer Science (4 years)
Requirements :Mean Grade mean grade of C+ and Mathematics C+ and C- in both Chemistry and Physics or  Physical Sciences and Biological Sciences with a Grade OR KACE, 2 principal passes OR a diploma in relevant subjects and with at least credit pass
4 academic years (full time)

January 2012 intake
20. Bachelor of Computer Technology Ref: JKU/BCT/2012

Requirements :Mean Grade KCSE C+ and aggregate grade of C+ in  the following three subjects: Mathematics, Physics and
4 academic years (full time)

Course will be offered during the day(January, 2012)


21.Master of Science in Computer Systems Ref: JKU/MSCS/2012
Requirements: Holders of a Bachelor’s degree of at least Lower Second Class Honors from a recognized University and a working experience of at least two years. OR Holders with a Bachelor degree with a Pass and working experience of at least five years. Any other qualification from an institution recognized by senate
2 Years for full time students and 3 years for part time students
Jan, 2012

Applications for the courses shall be made on official application forms which are available from the Office of the Director Academic Programmes, Taita Taveta Campus Voi, JKUAT Juja Campus or any other JKUAT Campus or they can be downloaded from the university website viz (

Duly completed application forms must be returned by 30th November, 2011 to Taita Taveta Campus upon payment of a non-refundable application fee of Kshs1500/= for degree courses, 1000/= for Diploma courses and 500/= for certificate, and Bridging in Mathematics courses. Payment for the form should be made in cash or bankers cheque in favour of JKUAT Taita Taveta Campus at the following bank account: Kenya Commercial Bank, VOI Branch, and Account Number: 110-270-0-886; Account name: JKUAT Taita Taveta Campus
Applications together with the bank deposit slip should be returned to:
The Director Academic Programmes,
JKUAT-Taita Taveta Campus
P O BOX 635-80300 VOI,

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